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P i n k   P a p e r

Cellule de veille et d'action juridique en matière d'asile


Passerell provides you with information about your procedure and your rights


Do not hesitate to contact us:

Cassie +352 691 311 890

Ambre +352 621 811 162

or e-mail :


You can visit us :

Monday          10h-16h

Tuesday          10h-18h

Wednesday   10h-18h

Thursday        10h-16h

Friday             10h-18h


4 rue Mathias Hardt - L1717 Luxembourg

You can download the map 

plan Passerell resized.jpg

Understand the Dublin procedure


- Criteria fingerprints, visa, family

​- Procedure : providing the administration with information, remedy


- Preparation before the transfer?


Preparation for the interview at the Ministry


In order to be ready for the asylum application interview, it is important to understand the stakes.

In partnership with ASTI, CLAE, CARITAS, Amnesty International et Reech Eng Hand, we organised an information session for asylum seekers - available for download.

However, since each situation is unique, you may also want to make an appointment to discuss your particular case.

Understanding your rights


On the left is a chart explain the main steps in the asylum application procedure.

You may contact us for further information on your rights and possible remedies.


In case you challenge a decision before the Tribunal administratif or appeal before the Cour administrative, although the procedure is mainly written:

- your lawyer is allowed to talk

- the hearing is open to the public and you are absolutely allowed to attend. You may have a seat in the court room.


Tribunal administratif - Nouvel Hémicycle
1, rue du Fort Thüngen L-1499 - Luxembourg


Bus 1, 16, arrêt Philarmonie



To talk is useful

When listening to some accounts, the Passerell volunteers may be helpless. We are solicitous, but it may be useful to talk about your stress or anxiety with a professional.

You can discover what counseling psychologists do in an article published in French, English and Arabic in the MEC a.s.b.l.'s magazine Move together (December 2017).



Several associations can provide you with counseling:

- depending on your home, either the Red Cross or Caritas;

- Omega 90, 138 Rue Adolphe Fischer, 1521 Luxembourg, T. +352 29 77 89 1.



Passerell a.s.b.l.

4 rue Mathias Hardt

 L-1717 Luxembourg


+352 621 811 162


Utilité publique 


Passerell a.s.b.l est une association à but non lucratif reconnue d’utilité publique par arrêté grand-ducal du 5 septembre 2023. 


RCS n° F10715

TVA : LU31915085



Votre don défiscalisé 


Votre don à Passerell est fiscalement déductible. Une attestation fiscale vous sera envoyée l'année suivant celle durant laquelle vous avez donné à Passerell. 


Coordonnées bancaires

IBAN : LU54 1111 7043 2710 0000



Passerell sur les réseaux sociaux 


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